Thursday, December 11, 2008


Well Look at the little guy!!! HE lOOKS SO GREAT!!! He is doing great as well, As you can see he was 4 months on the 8th of December and weighs 6 lbs 5 OZ!!!
This iS FrOM MElaNie:
"Nathan is doing better and what a relief that is. He is off c pap again, no iv's, no eye drops, no more vitamins, only his diuretic. He has started nippling again and today was able to nipple all but 2feedings. I think one he did it all and the rest it was 1/2 or more.He is up to 50 mills. He has out grown his preemie clothes and my luck by the time I see him again he will be 7 pounds. I am just thankful he has not had anymore apnea and oxygen and heart rate drops since he got sick last week. Rochelle assured me today he looks so good and is doing so much better. Even tonight when I called she didn't say ok she said really good. What a relief. They have been so good to take care of him and make sure he gets held--which apparently he loves to be held. I can't wait till I can hold him again. I think the day I go back to see him--not through a window I will plan to stay all day and hold him as much as I can--or that he will allow me to do. Maybe during each feeding. Guess we will see."

He is such a handsome little man, and we are so thankful for all your prayers for Nathan!


Robisonfamm said...

Oh good!! He does look so much better! I wondered when you were gonna post updated pics of him. Tell your sister that I have been praying for her and him, and its nice to be able to believe in prayer once again!! At 4 months old he weighs 3 ounces more than Austin at birth. He is so cute!!

Annie Allen said...

That is so great!! He really looks like he is filling out some. Any word on when they'll be able to bring him home?