Thursday, January 27, 2011

.*.More to do.*.

Things have been going great, Layne is out of town a lot these days but that happens towards the end of the months. Hopefully next time he will get to take us with him before the baby gets here. He has been super busy with helping the missionaries teach lessons to a few investigators in the church which has been an awesome growing experience for him spiritually. This Sunday one of the ladies is going to come to church with us! I'm excited about that! Along the lines of Church and spiritual blessings, I thought that I would let everyone know that Layne again is super busy! He has been called to another calling in church and now is the Elders Quorum Secretary. He also is in charge of the Music on Sunday and leading in Sacrament, so he has lots to do! At first I thought, " When in the world are you going to have time for your family?" But I know that the Lord will bless him and us more then I can comprehend... I'm thankful for the opportunity that he has to be more involved with some amazing men in our ward, and I know they will be a great example to him!

Part of my New Years resolution I wanted to be better at family prayer and scripture study, all I can say is so far we are doing awesome! We have Ethan "read" the verses for us because he wont let us most of the time... he wants us to "Help" him read and it is so adorable to hear the words come from his mouth. He is able to pronounce some of those BIG words so well he sounds like a grown up. After words we say our prayers and he most of the time has to say them but we let him... Just watching and hearing him participate makes my heart so full. I have noticed such a HUGE difference in ALL of us... of course I feel it so much inside myself and notice that my attitude just with Layne working so much has changed... I feel more accepting of his job, and dont sit around all day upset cause he has been working for 14 hours with maybe a 20 minute launch break... The Lord has helped calm my nerves and I am happier, and so grateful for the help he has provided. I'm So thankful for the gospel in our lives and the beautiful family I have been blessed with. I know that the power of prayer is real, because I have felt and witnessed the changes and happiness is brings into our lives.
I'm excited to keep up on reaching our goals as a family, and to teach our sweet boys the importance of living the gospel, and the joy and happiness it brings.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

*.*Starting to crawl and a Few other Things*.*

Handsome little man

My boys helping out! They do windows and blinds. :)

Riley was playing hide and "Help I'm Stuck."

Another Bowen Boy and the guitar....

Making cookies with mom!
No worries he washed his hands... plus we were done making them.

Monkey Boy

Such a handsome little boy.

Waiting for his cereal and peaches!

He will be 7 months on the 26th of January! It makes me sad to think he is growing up SO FAST! But he sure is a cute little stinker!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Well Last year was a good year for us, hard but I wont complain.

First off I want to say how proud I am of my husband for working hard enough he was offered 2 promotions within 3 months! He is now a Central Coastal Regional Manager for Texas working for APX Alarm (which will be changing their name shortly.) Going from him gone from 8am- 9, 10 or later in the pm to having him home ALL day long working on the computer/phone has been an adjustment for ALL of us. I LOVE having him here, but at the same time it brings some discomfort on both our ends. Hopefully sometime in the future they will be able to get him his own office where he can work with out his crazy family running around. But until that day Ill be loving him being home. :)

Second- we are having ANOTHER BABY BOY! We are excited yet overwhelmed to think we will have THREE kids all under the age of 3 and a few months. :) Ethan will turn 3 on Feb 8th, Riley will be ONE June 26th and baby #3 will be here sometime in the middle of May. My due date was moved to the 12th of May so we will see when he gets here. We have a few names picked out but nothing for sure... Layne really likes Mason Tyler Bowen, I like it too but I'm trying to decide HOW MUCH I like it. My choice would either be Jonah Tyler or... well that's about it, because all the other names I did like have been crossed off the list due to lack of interest from my other half. :)

We are all doing great and waiting to see what the New year will bring to our growing family, but just so we all are straight it wont be bringing any more babies to this house hold, other then the one on his way! Hope everyone had a wonderful 2010 and cant wait to share the up coming year with you all!