Friday, October 8, 2010

8 Weeks 3 Days


May 15th 2011 we will have another little sweet spirit in our home. It wasn't planned and we know its very quick. So we are thankful for all the support out there and those that have nothing nice to say... Keep it to yourself cause I don't want to hear it. :)
I know that the Lord knows best and so I keep praying to him asking for his guidance and his help to keep me patient and able to just put one foot in front of the other. Some days are better then others and I am thankful for the trust that the Lord has to send us another special spirit into our home knowing it will be changeling, but then again I'm always up for one. I haven't been feeling to bad just like I said some days are better then others and I feel blessed to have such a great family and great friends who support us.

Friday, October 1, 2010

*.* My Handsome Boys*.*

Riley and his Super Man pose.
3 Months 5 days old.

All smiles

Cookie face

Elmo was telling them a story of the giant... Its great to watch Ethan copy Elmo.

They are just always excited around here.
He says to me, "MOM, IM A TURTLE. ha ha this boy makes me laugh.

While he sleeps....
They play and he sleeps right through the electric guitar and Ethan's Loud singing. :)

Just Hanging out with Ethan while Riley was sleeping, I feel so bad sometimes cause I get so busy with Riley I don't get to play with Ethan, so I take all the chances I get.

So relaxed.

Talking and singing to dad.

I just love his smile. Its so sweet.
the look of mom would you put that away now I'm done.

I have to watch this nut, he likes to climb up the shelves in the pantry to get to the cookies... and as you can see once again he still found them after I put them on the VERY TOP BEHIND the cereal boxes...