Friday, April 20, 2012

More pictures...

You better watch out because he WILL run you over.
Fresh new hair cut... made him look so much older.
I am sure when these two are older they will be attached at the hip finding every way possible to torment Ethan. :)

Silly Boys

At the drive in watching The Lorax.

I dont think I really need to say anything about these 2 goofballs.
This is our I Am a Child of God teddy bear. He would carry this around and keep pressing the paw so it would sing to him. Now every time I play it on the piano he comes running to sit next to me at the piano.

Rain Forest Cafe/ Katy Mills Mall

A Jungle Wrap
We like to go to the Katy Mills Mall with the kids because its a lot of fun and we can hit the Rainforest Cafe while we are there. If you havent ever been to the Rainforest Cafe you should at least try it once. :)

Then there is Outdoor World at the mall as well, we love to walk through there because its an awesome store! Any outdoor man would think he had died and gone to heaven... all the animals and other things that are in the store are fun for the kids to see. We even enjoy it!

phone fun

Ethan thought it was so funny to see all these different pictures, I have a bunch more but this I am sure is enough of that. :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

till next time

Well friends that is it for tonight, I have to get some sleep and Im tired. Ill start updating more when Layne gets back from McAllen and Ill hopefully be satisfied with my updating, cause Ill have more to do soon! Masons birthday is coming up and Ill have more to post then too!! Hope all is well and we miss and love all of you!

A Few...

 Well this post will have A LOT of pictures because I'm starting to get tired of being on the computer and Layne will be leaving for McAllen till Friday. So I don't know when Ill get another chance to actually do this so here it goes... so get what you need to be comfy cause its going to be a little while.
Ethan being silly as always. :)
More togetherness, they are watching a movie on Netflix with Ethan's DS.
Riley isnt allowed to play with it so he loves to get as close as he can when he can. :)
This big gum ball was what he wanted as his treat so Layne thought it would be fun to watch him "try" to eat it... 
and we laughed... hahaha
 Way to early to be up for me... Ethan is a sneaky little stinker.

Outside riding his bike. Playing with his Friend Matthew. These two boys are good friends and I lvoe it when Ethan begs to have Matthew come play. Or he asks me to see if he can go see Matthew at HIS house. 

LAYNE!!! He doesn't like to be left out. :)
He sure make me laugh. I couldnt help laughing when Ethan kept telling Layne to get off becaused he was WAY TOO BIG!!

My sweet boy.
Trying to give mom kisses... or eat me, one of the 2.
I love his hugs.


 I absolutely love being a stay at home mom and going crazy with my boys. There is nothing better then this.