Monday, June 29, 2009

*.*Flash Back*.*

The last little while i have been thinking how much i miss this little stage... so we all know what that means... NO IM NOT PREGNANT, i just feel like im getting baby hungry... SO i decided to stop and think back on our life when Ethan was first born... HOW cute!! HOW sweet... HOW WE HAD NOOO SLEEP! I have to say everyone I know i swear is having another baby, they are those friends that Were pregnant after me so Ethan is older then their last baby... Im not even ready to have another baby... well I feel like i want one but honestly, i might pull my hair out... Anyway... here is just some time I looked back on to remind myself even though he is all of these sweet things this is what i would have to look forward to DOUBLE time.... So my reminders of why I am NOT really ready for another baby...
The Poop on my carpet...
Helping himself to some Cheddar Potato chips.
Tearing everything off the shelf...
And Climbing into places he doesn't belong.
Along with Running nude...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

*.*HIde and seek*.*

I know its been a while, life is crazy these days with school being a momma and wife.. all that fun stuff that us mothers (wives) do... School is going great, i finished my first set of classes with a 4.0. And yes I am supper excited... I hope these set of classes go as well. Layne is doing great with work, enjoying it and finding that he can make some extra money by using his selling skills... so that is a plus... and Ethan as you can see in this video is keeping us full of smiles and laughs and ready for bed at night.

I have to keep the blinds pulled up because this is what he does... the ones in his room are needing some fixing because he finds it a fun place to hide. This sure makes me laugh. Not only does he hide... but he waits patiently, quietly ... sometimes its a good few minutes that he just stands completely still and just peeks outta the blinds.. which you can see him doing. too funny. I think my favorite part is when i cant find him and then I just see his little feet under the blinds.