Tuesday, December 9, 2008

*.* OnE MeSs AfTeR THe OthEr *.*

So lets just say that I have nothing better to do this morning... Well first of all Before Layne went to work I sent him on a diaper run, while he was gone He asked if I would get his tickets ready for him... So while I was in the middle of doing the dishes "watching" Ethan and getting Laynes paper work ready... I realized that He was really quiet... and he was in my room. I try and keep things that he can get into out of the reach because if he goes into my room I am less likly to notice until its too late... well it was tooooo lAtE! I told Layne he could eat the chips in our room IN OUR BED because i was being nice! (I HATE CRUMBS IN THE BED!!) well that a was a few nights ago... well Ethan found the somewhat empty bag... and when I found him he was very much enjoying his little discovery! they were all over the floor and all over him... and yes, "I"
cleaned them up....

Then a little while later... the dvds were all over the floor... I had to tape them all so that when he pulled them off the shelf they would come all the way open and he would have a hay day choppin on the discs.... so anyway, the day continues on! second by second......by second.....


Robisonfamm said...

I can't help but laugh when I look at these, because this is only the beginning for you!! Sorry, but its true. I wish that was the only things my kids did. He is so stinkin cute though, how do you get mad at that face? I just want to kiss him!! And by the way, you are the only one who can get away with those kind of comments with Mike, cuz when Shari says anything about his bald head he gets all emotional! I was trying to take his picture, and he kept saying, "Michelle, stop it I don't want you taking pictures of my bald head!" I was thinking holy crap, that is not what I am taking a picture of, but you have prooved me wrong once again. haha THANKS ALOT!! :) love you!

VALERIE said...

Welcome to my world. that is how Jaren is every day and the older he gets it doesn't get any better. I thought that maybe he would but NO. You do know that they are sent to you so cute for a reason right. Such is life. But there is hope. I am still alive, so you can make it to. GOOD LUCK.