Sunday, April 26, 2009

*.*a Fit?*.*

This is Sunday night after his nap... And I am pretty sure he wasn't ready to be awake... Normally he is happy and talks talks talks... but he cried cried cried, and threw a fit on the floor... Here is the process... ha ha at least he wasn't kicking and screaming... but it was actually kinda pathetic..:) He went to bed a few hours later.

I've FaLlEn And I CaNt GeT UP!*.*

I have to laugh and take a picture of course before I help him out of Theo's toy basket . When the saying "HELP!! Ive Fallen AND I CANT GET UP!!" is said this is what I am sure it refers to... I tried to hurry and get a picture of him with his arms out of the basket flapping up and down, but I didn't move fast enough! Anyway, I wanted to share this funny moment with you all because it sure made me laugh... Don't worry, after I took this picture I helped him out... and he kept right on playing in it! :)

*.*Sharing.. Sharing.. Thats the thing to do*.*

If Ethan has ANYThING he is so sweet to share with anyone and anything! And after they give it back he is sure to say THANKYOU! Well A few days ago I was reading through some emails and turned around to see Ethan Sharing with Theo... WHich I think is Theos favorite thing! :) Im so glad that my little guy is so willing to share with everyone... I dont think that sharing is going to be a problem... at least I hope not...(Knock on wood)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

*.*OuR ReD CouCh*.*

These pictures don't do our couch Justice! It Looks so great in our living room!! And it nice to finally have something to sit on... we don't have to crowd up in the recliner anymore!! And we got it for a great deal! I was worried at first that it would look like too much but honestly it looks beautiful in our apartment... gives it some life in here! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

*.*NEW JOBS!!*.*

Well in the last little while I was starting to get really discouraged about finding a job.. well The Lord has blessed me with 2!!! One is On sudays... not really a JOB but a calling, Ill be teaching in the primary!! So excited for that! And the 2nd Job!

A lady in my ward was talking to Layne a few sundays ago and Layne had Mentioned that I was looking for something that would not keep me from Ethan all the time... Well the perfect Job/FUN has been offered to me! I will be an assistant for a while and then hopefully move up in the company! I am so excited to be able to be doing something that I love to do!! I will have weddings every saturdays and then trainings on Thursday mornings!!! It will work perfect with Laynes work schedule!!! No need to find a babysitter! WIsh me luck!
THis website is what Ill be doing! So go look and tell me what you think.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well this Easter was laid back. We really did do anything other then wake up and Let Ethan get into his easter basket that the Easter Bunny brought him... and then went to church. :) I figure that there isnt a better way to spend the day with just your family! We had a great day and a great Easter Snack.
I have to say that I think it is the most fattning treat I have ever enjoyed! It had Ice Cream, Half and Half, Milk, Chocolate Syrup, Strawberries, and some Whipped Cream... Yep i think that is what.. 50 pounds in a bowl?? or more.. whew, it was good though!

HOpe that ya'll had a wonderful Easter!
Ethan's Easter Basket.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

*.*LA PORTE*.*

Layne, Ethan, Chris, and Aimee
Ethan wanted Chris's hat so Ethan took it from him and Put it on his head.

And then started laughing after he put it over his face. He is a little joker.

Of COurse trying to hand me something that he found on the ground.
As we were walking around La Porte Ethan found a little friend that he was trying to take home with him... but sadly mom wouldnt let him take home Gilbert.

This is Gilbert.. and he is dead.

Aimee Russ And I. She is such a great Friend! I sure do Love ya Aimee!!

OUr FaMily

Dad And Ethan.

This was a sunday excursion that we took, it was such a beautiful day and we enjoy being able to go and hang out With our friends Chris and Aimee. I dont know what we would do with out them here and having them as such great friends.

*.*SoMeThINg RanDom*.*

So out here in the sun I dont have to be out as long as if i were in Idaho, as you can see I didnt think about that fast enough... i was enjoying the weather and fell asleep out on my deck.... So this is my result.. My legs and other areas are just as bad... Today I dont look like and Oompa Loompa but I feel the soreness of the burn still. Hope it turns out to be worth the pain!!
Getting his bottom changed... he was saying cheese cause I had the camera out so he continues to smile.

My little Gentleman.

Ha ha I am not sure what he was thinking other then smiling cause I was taking his picture! I Just LOVE HIm!