Thursday, October 30, 2008

*.* WATeR BoTtlEs *.*

Well I dont know if he was just thristy or just being a stinker! Right before we moved we had all these water bottle from the hurricane... I didnt have anymore rooom in my fridge to put them so they just got put on the kitchen floor.... Well it was sure a happy time for Ethan, he has so much fun just dumping them all out. When I would walk into the kitchen and ask him what he thought he was doing he would get that big smile and just laugh at me! So I just took a picture and walked away! Kept him busy and i was okay with that!


Robisonfamm said...

Kids are amused at the funniest things! But that smile....I don't think I have ever seen a happier baby. He is just always so happy! I miss the crap out of him!!

Anonymous said...

so hows MR.CURLY HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and how are you are also now in the fav aunts !!!!!!!!!GESS WHAT?I CUT MY HAIR .IM BRAVE ARNT I i got an A line not to short but short tell eathan hi for me