Friday, October 31, 2008

*.*hApPy HaLlOwEen *.*

Well this was Ethan's first Halloween and we had a really good time! As you can see at the first part of our little trick or treating he didn't even really make it around to 2 houses, so he was out! Then about 5 houses later he was awake and ready to hit the doors!! He was a real trooper... and everyone said how adorable he was, of course I agree!

This is Sarah our friends little girl, she was a candy corn and was so adorable. She just loved on Ethan all night! He tried to give her a Ethan kiss when she first saw him tonight and then from then on i Guess it was love at first sight! Little Avery was a ballerina and played the part so well!

Ethan for sure had his game face on when we were finally making our end through the neighborhood. And he was very excited to finally get his costume off! Like this picture shows.
Anyway, I hope you all had a great fun filled night with your kids and for yourselves!


VALERIE said...

HE is so cute. I hope you had good time on your first time of knocking doors.can't wait to see you guys. By the way make Ethan stop growing, PLEASE. HAHAHA We won't reconize him

Robisonfamm said...

Oh, he looks so cute! He looks like he had so much fun too!! I can't wait to see you guys! Did you ever talk to Layne about coming up this way for Thanksgiving?