Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So I just wanted to let everyone know that we are moving again... Yes you read that right!

Because of the hurricane our apartment complex has informed us after a month of sleeping on the floor and living in a mess that we Should have been moved out as soon as they tore out our ceilings and the mold started to grow in our apartment. We had a kind gentleman come and let me know that another apartment will be ready on Thursday after 5pm for us to move into. So we get to pack up all our things AGAIN and move into another place that is not a going to kill us! So I am looking like this poor child!!! No need to explain any more... Its says it all!


Me said...

I'm so sorry! I have only moved twice in my life. Once when I got married and the second time when we moved from our one bedroom, furnished apartment to here. It took us like 3 hours to get all our stuff into this house. So our next move will be an eye opener for me! Good luck with the new one!

Annie Allen said...

That sucks!!! I hate moving. I'm sorry you have to go through that again and again and again (or so it seems).

The.Packer.Family said...

Ahh Court, I'm sorry, I bet you all are tired of moving! Just remember atleast you have your family! Love yeah!

VALERIE said...

Holy Cow!!!!!! That is just crazy. How do you do it. Wish we could be there to help you. Good luck and hope the next app. is better.

Robisonfamm said...

I love that picture, and no other picture could have shown how you are feeling right now. That about sums it up. You poor thing!! But at least this move with be for good...hopefully!! Love you!!

Brett and April said...

oh moving. oh wow. good luck with that. i told brett that i am not moving ever again without hired help! (I don't think that will happen though... haha)