Monday, November 17, 2008

Honest... like it or not. *.*

Well encouraged by a wonderful sister in law I wanted to share some Honest Facts with all those that care to know a few HONEST things about myself. I enjoyed her honesty so I figured someone might find mine just as refreshing... or maybe a little disturbing.. but like it or not this is me.
1. weight: 130 lbs... And still working towards my goal!
2. I am not very confident. I have a hard time seeing my good qualities... But thanks to my wonderful husband he is doing his best to HELP me see those.
3. I don't like contention or confronting people... And I certainly don't like to draw attention my way.. If avoidable i take the quiet unseen road... I hate being in the spot light.
4. I get mad when Layne has to go to work, sounds stupid I know... but its hard being hundreds of miles from all those that you know and love... then when he is home I don't want to talk to him cause he has been gone all day... :) But I get over it and enjoy our time!
5. When putting gas in the cars I have to make sure the Dollar amount is EVEN so say $23.00. It DRIVES ME NUTS when Layne puts in 23.37
just to bug me.
6. I can forgive, but I NEVER forget.
7. I don't agree with abortion, or gay marriage. I am not judging, I just don't agree.
8. I have a hard time wanting to go to Church... which I think that is why I was givin TWO callings!
9. I get so angry when Ethan just wont let me get anything done... so I snap at him, and then of course I pick him up hug him tight and tell him no matter how mad I am Ill always love him... then I cry and say I am sorry.
10. I don't like to cook, I hate doing the dishes, and I have to vacuum my floors Everyday, if not 2 times a day.

Well I TAG EVERYONE share some honest things about yourself... you don't have to but its nice to share. And to know that others can be honest too. Nothing to interesting or out of the norm about me.


Robisonfamm said...

Haha!! I said I was gonna do that, so I guess I probably should. I don't think I'm gonna tell my weight but we shall see, you guys are brave!!

Me said...

Yea! I love it! I don't want to go to church sometimes too. I never knew that about the even thing...that's funny. I remember when I weighed 130. I wish...
I just have to tell you how much I appreciated your comment on my post. It was SO what I needed and it made me cry. Which isn't hard to do these days. I love you and can't wait to see you!