Sunday, August 7, 2011


 I was doing my Pilates workout and couldn't stop laughing at Ethan....  he kept saying good job mom!! keep going! and when i asked him what he was doing he said "Im working out mom! Stop taking pictures!"
This kid makes me laugh, besides the fact that he was actually really good at it.

And here are a few pictures he took of himself.

Ethan is full of life... I don't know if all three year olds are full of it but this boy sometimes brings more on in life then I know how to handle. He is way to smart for his own good at times but makes me laugh so much... Ethan is such a sweet boy that loves to be involved with ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! He is a big helper when he wants to be ;) He LOVES being out side and playing with anyone and everything he can . He is Very social and isn't afraid to ask a complete stranger "Hi!, WHAT YOUR NAME?" and carry on a crazy conversation with them. He is growing up so fast and has some of the darnedest things to say.
The other day he was sitting in our office chair and Layne was spinning him around and around... we took him out and his eyes were going back and forth and he couldn't stand up, while we were laughing he pipes up and says.
"Dad! What is happening here!?"
There is never a dull moment with him.

Ethan has such a funny personality and will grab your attention quickly with those big brown eyes he got from his dad. I have to say I'm sure they have saved him a few times from a spanking :)
I know that kids will be kids and I try my best to not just teach Ethan by my words but also by my actions... SHOWING kids I have learned sometimes is the best and quickest way for them to learn anything from the way they speak to the way the treat others. I have seen my not so good side come out in him. I have seen a small play back of myself when I watch him at times... and its not always good. I am struggling with how to handle him and honestly think about going to counseling so I know how to best handle him... I have MUCH to learn at being a mom. The hardest part of it all is he IS SUCH A SWEET BOY! HE DOES HAVE MANNERS! HE DOES LISTEN, and he CAN be SOOO sweet to his little brothers and everyone he is around, but when this side of him that shows more often then it has in the past comes out I sometimes fall apart... the tears begin and the frustration comes out because I am at my wits end. HOW DO I TEACH A THREE YEAR OLD TO LISTEN? I feel like I am constantly getting after him to share, to not yell, not to whine, to just listen when he is told something... I need help! ANY IDEAS!?
Im afraid I am not handling him the right way and I know that by the age of 4 or 5 they say if they haven't learned it yet then your pretty much outta luck... I know he knows what is right and wrong because I see him do the right things, correct ME if I say a bad word... (Stupid, hate... those kind of words), he will even tell me to be nice to Riley , this is if he starts to cry ha ha  because I have told him no no.
Being a parent is hard and wanting the best for your child is all I can think about.SO, if you have ANY ideas Id LOVE to have you share them with me.
On the more positive side... Ethan IS a loving great big brother... he is so sweet and melts my heart when he cuddles up to me and say I love you sweetheart followed with a kiss. :) He is such a blessing in our home and I AM thankful for the life he brings into our home. I love him with all my heart and AM so proud of him.


Amy said...

You are such a wonderful mother courtney, and you are doing a great job raising Ethan and your other 2 too! I have many of the same problems with Isaac sometimes, and I think his naughty attitude is popping out more and more frequently as he is getting older. I wish I had some magic advice, but I think we just have to teach them right from wrong and hope for the best :) Ethan is such a sweet boy, and I'm so glad he's been around for Isaac to play with. Hopefully it's just a stage that they'll grow out of as they get older.

Dr. Larson said...

I've felt the same. My advice is that as you're realizing how smart he is and you become convinced that he knows right from wrong, you have to remember that he's still very very very naive. Yes he's smart but he's still got a long ways to go. Once Isaac started showing signs of understanding, I started treating him like an adult, and I found that I would sometimes have my expectations met, but often i'd get frustrated. Ethan's smart but he's got a long way to go before he can think like you. In double his life he'll only be 6 or 7 right? Even at that age they're still too young in God's eyes to be held accountable for right and wrong. I'm trying to just be more patient with Isaac for now.

Aimee and Cole said...

I think what you are doing is wonderful. I don't really have the experience that you have, but I think by being a good example and to keep reminding him what the right thing is is perfect. I learned in a brain development class that emotion and reasoning are the last stages to develop. They don't know why they are mad or what you are asking them to so sometimes. You are very patient and I know you love your family. Don't get down or think you aren't doing a great job. You are and it shows when you seem him make a good choice. Love you!