Sunday, August 17, 2008

*.*m3L's LiTtL3 MiRiCl3*.*

No GiFt Is GreAter ThEn The Gift Of Lov3

Nathan Paul was born August 8, 2008. My Sister Valerie was LUCKY enough to be there when he was born. He weighed in at a whoppin 1 lb. Ya you read that correct. His due date was not till December... But he is fighter... runs in the Beddes side. Nathan is the son of my sister Melanie and Danny. Danny Drives Truck for a living so he is gone more then Mel would like him to be... Mel was put on complete bed rest in the hospital 10 days before she had him. Mel called Valerie that morning at 6:00am to see if she would come be with her because she was starting into labor. When the nicu doctor came in they told her that the chances were not good. That was the hardest thing that Val has ever had to experience... was to watch my sisters world crumble down around her. They let her go and be with her while she delievered Nathan... It was the most incredible thing that She said she has ever experienced. The first time she saw him she could have died. He was so TINY. but then he cried. It was the smallest cry you could ever imagine. Mel and her looked at each other and started to cry. They whisked him off to the nicu. there he showed them how spirited he is. That little boy was sent here for a reason and the Lord knows how important his mission is. It is a true miracle. A blessing and miracle all in one. He is doing so great. It is really hard to understand how small he is until you see him, even then you still have to stare because it is so amazing. Some of the pictures that i have put in look kind of bad. So If you have a weak stomach beware. Some of the antibacterial stuff they used to sanitize the area burned his little back. But Mel says that it is looking so much better. I just wanted to share a little bit of what has been going on in our lives. And to ask for your prayers and blessing for Nathan, Mel and her family!


Me said...

WOW! That is indeed a miracle! It is amazing what they can do these days in the medical world. What a scary experience for both of your sisters! But it looks like he is doing great! Best wishes to your family and their newest little one!

Hills said...

WOW! What a fighter! That is truely an amazing miracle! We are all praying for them! WE love them and hope that EVERYTHING goes well! God Bless!

Brody & Roz said...

O my heck courtney that is so amazing. that just makes me cry that is so precious. Wow. They will definitely be in our prayers.

Annie Allen said...

Oh my heck!!! I had no idea. I hope everything continues to go well. Keep us updated.