Tuesday, May 11, 2010

*.*Our Week*.*

Well Layne finally got his work car and was totally excited! As you can see one of the cool new features was a camera that appears on the rearview mirror when the car is in reverse.. so as U can see... he thinks its awesome. :)
Ethan and I finally went to the pool, its been so hot but the water is still a little chilly. And he was a little cold cause of the breeze but he sure had fun!
Enjoying the sun!

We have been trying to go with Layne as much as we can before the baby gets here cause once he does there will be no more going to work days with dad. :( Ethan loves going, every morning he crys and says he wants to go to work with dad so we load up our lunches and head out with him on days that I know he wont be in each house for hours. So we are having our quality time.

And this is what he does while he is waiting inside to finish up...

And of course Mothers day, came and is now gone. I was able to go and spend a couple hours getting my toes and nails done as Layne's gift to me.. and then Layne and Ethan got me a Dozen roses. :) a silly singing card and Ethan made his own . We woke up Sunday morning and both were so sick of course coughing and agh everything else, so we ended up staying home from church. Ya ya ya don't judge me. :)
I was wanting homemade waffles from my mom and Layne said well we can go to Ihop... well i felt guilty enough we didn't go to church , and the fact that they dont even come close to my moms homemade waffles I just made them... I ended up making waffles, bacon, eggs, Roast, (Layne made the potatoes), corn, chocolate chip cookies... and did the dishes. ha ha so Mothers day was grand. But Layne was good to take care of Ethan's needs.
The day was great because we got to just spend it with each other.
And of course we had music time. Layne finally got the guitar that the post office said was delivered oh 2 months ago... well it was about a week ago to a guy across the street from us so now they have some fun hooking it up to the speakers and playing away.

Ethan having some fun while dad was away for a minute.

Now this was today, May 11Th.
Ethan sometimes makes his way to our room but last night I guess he didn't get even out of his door... I woke up this morning to go check on him and there he lay pillow blankets and animals... sound asleep.

While I was cleaning he was being good just watching Elmo's World... so I thought.


He decided to climb up onto the counter and get this lovely bottle of Petroleum Jelly! and this is the art he did with it...

as you can see he is no longer sitting there... he is in the bath tub saying "MOM, I AM TRYING TO COLOR!"
Well I am going to have to see if I can get the Greece look out, I got it off the couch but it still looks like I have a big old spill... GRRR. This boy is killin me, and to think I have another little monster on the way!
Till next time.


The Warrens said...

GAAAAASSSSSPPPPP! When I saw your poor couch I about died! Haha, I'm sorry Court! Sounds like you have had fun tho :) Love the updates!

Brett and April said...

oh we sure do love your posts. We have our fair share of laughs seeing what ethan has been up to! :) I'm getting SO excited knowing that you will be close! we WILL be making weekend trips I hope you know!

Me said...

Ohhhh, I love it all!! yep, we did the vaseline thing too! McKinley decided to put it in her hair. that was fun to get out. i love dishsoap! i freakin' love you guys!!

Chrystal said...

try shaving cream on the chair. It gets lots of stuff out. :)