Wednesday, January 13, 2010

*.* My LItTle MeSs *.*

Well a little picture update of Ethan. So after cleaning out some of the food in our pantry I had to learn that anything such as chocolates... need to be place in the BOTTOM of the trash so that Ethan cant find it. But as you can see he found it. and he enjoyed the last 5 that were in the box.
The next night he found the sweet and sour sauce from McDonalds... and decided to body paint with it, along with using it as a skin cream. I swear this boy needs the warm wheather back so we can go outside.
Mess after Mess I decided I needed an out... with him of course but I finally went and got me a birthday gift... THANKS VALERIE! It looks great in my apartment... starting to get little things here and there to make it feel a little more homie.
The Red picture frame was from my mom and I finally painted and put the ribbon in it. The picture isnt that great but it gives you an idea. So now Im looking for something to cover up my windows.


Me said...

I love it! You are so talented! I wish we lived closer so we could do stuff like that together. And when Ethan decides to use crisco as a hair gel, then you'll know you've reached your limit. Luv yer guts!

Mark & Shalon said...

your little man is too cute!! seriously.