Sunday, July 6, 2008

Some Randomness

Okay, so this is just some random pictures that I was looking through, and thought I would share with those that cared to look, if not, oh well, ur loss .

Layne was walking through the Forest in Denver when we lived there last summer, For some reason it just reminded me of a place I would love to be after this life, and he sure did look like he fit. He had this glow that was amazing, it was as if his spirit was so full it was beaming off everything, kinda blindin me but it was an amazing moment, very unexplainable.
So Ethan had on Walgreen brand diapers... Bad Idea, this was with in a matter of moments From his last diaper change.
no more needs to be added , it explains its self well.

HIS FIRST PARE OF SHOES, I couldn't resist! this was a must. And he sure did look like a little man in them!
This next picture I must warn you of the brief Nudity. . . . .

Ha ha ha.............
a typical man alone... watchin his favorite movies in the nude....
The day will be sweet when I too can do as I wish in my birthday suit.
This was after I finally put some clothes on him... he still was as happy as a little Lark.


Me said...

These are great pics! I love that one of does look very serene. And I love naked bums! They are irresistable. You just have to pat them. That last one looks a lot like Layne. Aaaahhh! He's so cute!

Robisonfamm said...

I agree with Shari, that one of Layne is really good! And of course the ones of Ethan are super adorable, as always. I really need you to come back I am having Ethan withdrawls!! Oh yah, and I miss you too..haha