Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ethan's 4th Birthday (Feb 8th)

Its been a long while due to the lack a computer... mine kicked the bucket and Layne normally doesn't bring his home. So while he has it home before he leaves town tomorrow Ill try and make up for lost time.

Ethan's 4th Birthday!
 This is Ethan's Birthday cake that I proudly made. :) It was a lot of work and Layne helped make sure that it looked great. :) Ethan was so excited when he saw it he could hardly keep his hands away from it.

Well this is the little party that we threw for him. I hope he enjoyed it and knows that we sure love him. Its been a fun 4 years with this little man I am excited to keep having more birthdays with him..

1 comment:

Amy said...

Awesome cake Courtney, that's pure talent!