Ethan has been taking off his diaper while he is suppose to be taking a nap, chucks it on the floor and then seems to go to sleep... Which is what the top pictures are of... the lovely bottom one is of what he does when I AM THE ONE that is home with him... Joy!
Layne sent me these pictures while I was at school.. and believe it or not, there was not mess for him to clean up... but he sure did leave the house one. :)
But when I AM HOME, he poops in his bed piddles on the floor and smiles while I am cleaning it up saying "EWWW mommy!"... No kiddin'
So now I am trying to figure out ways to keep his little bottom covered up... I dont think he is ready for his big boy potty but I dont know!? All I do know is i am sick of cleaning up his little monsters!
ohhh..... so cute and gross all at the same time !!!
I think I have gone through this with almost all of my kids. It is so not fun. Some of them finger painted on the walls or crib with it. (YUCK!)
One thing that worked with some of them was to put the diaper on backwards when I put them to bed.
Hope something works for you.
Good Luck!
Love you,
NICE i think i would be a little teed off. You are a nicer mom than i would be.
haha aww that is so funny but i'm sorry at the same time! cute lil "stinker" ;)
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