Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
*.*Have Leaky Pipes.. well i found MR. FIX iT ?.*.*
Well today I couldn't find my son... I was a little worried but I figured that he couldn't have gone to far. I could hear something that sounded like it was coming from my bedroom so i went through there and couldn't find him...I looked in the closets and under the key board... no sign of him other then the evidence of the drool spots on the carpet... I heard some rattling and things being banged on so I went into the bathroom... well when I looked through there the first time I didn't see him ,the reason I couldn't see him was because the cupboard door was shut, and so when I opened it this is what I found... I think he might be starting his career early. So if you have a leaky pipe... he might be able to help.
This is when I first found him under the bathroom sink.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Honest... like it or not. *.*
2. I am not very confident. I have a hard time seeing my good qualities... But thanks to my wonderful husband he is doing his best to HELP me see those.
3. I don't like contention or confronting people... And I certainly don't like to draw attention my way.. If avoidable i take the quiet unseen road... I hate being in the spot light.
4. I get mad when Layne has to go to work, sounds stupid I know... but its hard being hundreds of miles from all those that you know and love... then when he is home I don't want to talk to him cause he has been gone all day... :) But I get over it and enjoy our time!
5. When putting gas in the cars I have to make sure the Dollar amount is EVEN so say $23.00. It DRIVES ME NUTS when Layne puts in 23.37
just to bug me.
6. I can forgive, but I NEVER forget.
7. I don't agree with abortion, or gay marriage. I am not judging, I just don't agree.
8. I have a hard time wanting to go to Church... which I think that is why I was givin TWO callings!
9. I get so angry when Ethan just wont let me get anything done... so I snap at him, and then of course I pick him up hug him tight and tell him no matter how mad I am Ill always love him... then I cry and say I am sorry.
10. I don't like to cook, I hate doing the dishes, and I have to vacuum my floors Everyday, if not 2 times a day.
Well I TAG EVERYONE share some honest things about yourself... you don't have to but its nice to share. And to know that others can be honest too. Nothing to interesting or out of the norm about me.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
*.For April.*
Now you have to post your 4th picture in your 4th folder . Have fun!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
*.* Layne Singing *.*
Well I guess I should put something up of my wonderful Husband... I dont know why I havent thought about that... Maybe cause he is gone so much by the time he is home I am wasted... and I dont mean Drunk... But anyway, he was playing around and I happened to just get a little of his greatness... its kinda hard to hear him sing cause the key board is so loud but I dont care he is still amazing.But ill get a getter one of him while he is playin his guitar... so that will be comming soon!
*.* EtHaN.... DoNt Do ThaT *.*
So all you parents out there know what its like to keep saying "NO" Don't TOUCH THAT!
DONT DO THAT... YOUR GOING TO HURT YOURSELF... and then it happens... the crying from those poor little children that if they would have only listened or understood they would have walked away thanking you... sad to say that even when they are older they still don't listen.
So Ethan Loves to look at me when I say his name smile then reach for whatever he KNOWS he isn't suppose to touch... (which he is demonstrating above)... those poor blinds are held up all day long so that they don't get involved with anything that could harm him or them.
Its hard to keep them open because we live in an apartment complex so if you want some privacy you have to close your blinds... or everyone and their dogs can see you... Our window of course faces a road as well... so all i can say is that I am so praying for the day to come sooner then later when we can have our own home!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
*.* LiTtlE Of ThIs LitTle Of ThaT*.*
Well this was cute this afternoon after Ethan woke up and then him playing... He says BYE! it is so cute Well just wanted to share with you some more of what he was doing today... and the pop bottle is all LAYNE... ha ha i cant figure out how he can drink that much pop and stay so thin... in my dreams i wish I could do that...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
*.* The Echoing Cup *.*
Well here is Ethan again being silly. He loves talking into this cup because it echos back! He thinks it is just great! But my favorite is the sour face that he pulls! ha ha he is so much fun!
*.* HoUsToN ZoO *.*
Saturday, November 1, 2008
*.* WalKinG AlOng *.*
Well this morning I of course am still doing laundry and Ethan kept trying to push it around, well It was to heavy so I dumped out all the clothes and away he went.... I guess I don't need to go and buy an expensive walking device, this Is cheap and he can load up whatever he wants. I am sure it wont be long before he is doing this with out the laundry basket! He is growing up way to fast!